Runasaurus 4.0: The Chaossic Era
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45.0 minutes of moderate activity (yoga, weights, etc.) = 2.2 miles
1.03 miles of running/Walking = 1.03 miles
1.11 miles of running/Walking = 1.11 miles
1.04 miles of running/Walking = 1.04 miles
1.04 miles of running/Walking = 1.04 miles
1.2 miles of running/Walking = 1.2 milesWalking in the cold
0.81 miles of running/Walking = 0.81 miles#futuresaurus
1.0 mile of running/Walking = 1.0 mile
2.1 miles of running/Walking = 2.1 miles
0.5 miles of running/Walking = 0.5 miles
2.31 miles of running/Walking = 2.31 miles
0.81 miles of running/Walking = 0.81 miles
1.01 miles of running/Walking = 1.01 miles1 more mile, too sleepy to get more
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All groups:
Chaossic Era
1.I, Dino Finished
2.FrshPrnc LaBrea Finished
3.NoDinoLkPrsnt Finished
Extra Chaossic Era
1.I, Dino 565.2 miles
2.FrshPrnc LaBrea 439.7 miles
3.NoDinoLkPrsnt 372.9 miles
Athletes (42)
(participants active in race)
1.DinoSalt 135.0 miles
2.CaitasaurusRex 120.6 miles
3.Moogie 106.0 miles
4.Grammy-Phyl 105.5 miles
5.AlienLizzie 95.1 miles
6.DarkOne 74.1 miles
7.argon_initially 54.1 miles
8.GaliLionFigarOH 51.2 miles
9.Pendery 44.1 miles
10.BrickMasterJMV 42.1 miles
11.TriviaServedHot 41.4 miles
12.Blocktor 39.5 miles
13.DraganMathair 31.3 miles
14.eyeoftheteiger 29.0 miles
15.KippyClaw 26.6 miles
16.ImpossibleGirl 26.5 miles
17.RobAnybody 25.8 miles
18.sapphire614 25.6 miles
19.Velocipuff 25.0 miles
20.Daedin 24.1 miles
21.TriceraBrandy 22.5 miles
22.Ob1drfl 22.2 miles
23.KvetchyRunner 21.0 miles
24.QueSaRAH 20.8 miles
25.GlitterTea 19.6 miles
26.MistressGray 19.3 miles
27.Kiaara 16.5 miles
28.MessyBench 15.2 miles
29.GoGirlRun 15.1 miles
30.AJGrifdog 11.7 miles
31.NemeNemeNemily 11.3 miles
32.AwDarjeeling 10.0 miles
33.HaloSweetieSaur 8.9 miles
34.MusicLinguist 7.6 miles
35.Riabininohadros 6.6 miles
36.Karadactyl 6.0 miles
37.Hufflesaurus 5.4 miles
38.MindhunterMO 3.8 miles
39.KTeaSpoonie 3.5 miles
40.Lianye-A 3.5 miles
41.SlytherNIN 3.2 miles
42.AuntieSocial 1.7 miles
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- From: A Dinosaur
- To: A Dinosaur
- Start date: December 13, 2024
- End date: December 21, 2024
- 0:00
- 23:59
- Route distance: 333.3 miles
- Total logged: 1,377.8 miles
It is year 4 of Runasaurus! The Chaossic Era.
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© 2025 Pressflex LLC
Exercise anywhere you want. Then log the activity and see your avatar move across the route. Catch a Google Street View of the new virtual locale, then cheer your real fellow racers! Share your bib on social media! Brag about your streaks or longest mileage!
© 2025 Pressflex LLC
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